In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]
In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]
In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]
Celebrate Asian American voices with the NEW EYES FESTIVAL! The play-reading series has been around since 1993 as an incubator for new works, and this year we leveled the playing field even more by accepting script submissions from across the country. After reading through 80+ scripts and holding many literary committee meetings, we’re excited to […]
In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]
In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]
In this charming and clever sequel to Jane Austen’s classing Pride and Prejudice, middle sister Mary finally gets her moment in the spotlight. As the Bennets gather for Christmas festivities at the home of the beloved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, an unexpectedly engaging guest offers Mary an intellectual match and, quite possibly, love. With playful […]