In Past Lives, each line leaps to the next in glorious unpredictability, forming a latticework of surprise. In the world of V. Joshua Adams, we have competitive knitting, beer commercials, cabriolets, and mandolin players breaking ukulele players’ fingers. To employ a Pavement title, Adams’s poems are “slanted and enchanted” their surrealist strangeness is sometimes meditative […]
Cold winters call for warm kitchens and cookie baking, especially around the holidays. The Ultimate Minnesota Cookie Book, a compendium of Minnesota’s rich baking traditions and innovative recipes, stirs up winning treats from twenty years of the Star Tribune’s popular holiday cookie contest. Significantly expanding and updating its 2018 predecessor, The Great Minnesota Cookie Book, […]
Join us for the November meeting of the Magers & Quinn Translation Book Club! This month, we’ll be discussing Nejmeh Khalil Habib’s book A Spring That Did Not Blossom, translated from Arabic by Samar Habib. Order the book here: