17 Aug 2024

Explore locations throughout the building that show the work and methods that went into creating the Minnesota State Capitol and find out about the people involved from the groundbreaking to its opening in 1905.

Learn about architect Cass Gilbert, who at age 35 created one of the most magnificent public buildings in the nation. Dig deeper into learning about the roles the Board of Capitol Commissioners, contractors, and construction workers played through every step of the nine-year construction process.

03 Jun 2024

In 1925, John L. Christensen set out to construct a small vegetable cellar. While digging he and his wife began to notice the beauty in the multi-colored stones. Using his team of horses, the excavation grew to what is now Itasca Rock Garden.

The Kohler Foundation completed a $500,000 restoration in 2022. Gardeners were busy planting in 2023. Today is the first day in more than 25 years that the rock garden is open to the public. If you are unable to attend the grand opening, contact the museum to schedule your tour.

01 Mar 2024

Want to experience life like the Gangsters? Then we have a first-of-its-kind treat for you! In partnership with the Dellwood Country Club, you’ll not only experience an adventurous bus outing to explore the hideouts and haunts of the 1930s-era gangsters who laid low in the cottages around White Bear and Bald Eagle Lakes, you’ll be dining like the gangsters did, too!

Join us for live music, delicious apps, craft cocktails, and a special speakeasy dinner hosted at the Dellwood Country Club. You won’t want to miss this rip-roaring time.

28 Jan 2024

Flour milling could be a dangerous job. Workers were exposed to constantly moving machinery, high-powered water turbines, and tall grain elevators where one wrong move might have disastrous consequences. This tour of the Washburn A Mill will explore the dangers that workers faced on the job, including the deadly 1878 mill explosion that led to the destruction and rebuilding of the riverfront industrial district. The tour will also include discussions of daily workplace machinery hazards such as the “Humphrey manlift,” that took the life of a mill worker in 1936, and the dangers of working in the related railroad and lumber industries.

The tour will take place in the historic Washburn A Mill. The tour includes no more than 1 mile of moderately paced walking on uneven surfaces. Please call ahead to make arrangements for guests with limited mobility. Tour price includes museum admission. Discount for MNHS members.

24 Jan 2024

Explore the nooks and crannies of the Washburn A Mill, the National Historic Landmark that is the home of Mill City Museum. The tour highlights the lives of men and women who worked there, how the building functioned during its peak flour milling years, how it changed over time, and how the mill ruin was converted to a museum and office building. Includes museum admission the day of the tour.

23 Jan 2024

Discover the dramatic story of work and labor in Minneapolis from the nineteenth century to today. On this tour, a Mill City Museum guide will tell of the actions taken by workers and activists to improve the lives of working people, including those in the milling industry and in related industries throughout the city, and the response of management in the Citizens Alliance to create anti-union policies.

Tour guests will also gain insight into how labor was divided across lines of race, class, and gender and the role of organized labor today. Among the stories highlighted will be the 1903 and 1917 flour milling strikes, the Truckers Strike of 1934, and the life and career of Nellie Stone Johnson, a union organizer and the first African American elected to citywide office in Minneapolis.

The tour will take place in the historic Washburn A Mill. The tour includes no more than 1 mile of moderately paced walking on uneven surfaces. Please call ahead to make arrangements for guests with limited mobility. Cost of this tour is $16. Discount for MNHS members. This price includes museum admission.

17 Mar 2022


According to Apex chat, having a live chat can increase your conversions by 40%.

However, it is old research. Now you can achieve a lot more than that.

Live chat is not just a feature for your website. It is a part of your marketing. However, the significant role of marketing is social media, email, and SEO. You should also pay attention to live chat.

Using other resources, you can fetch visitors to your website. But when it comes to conversion, live chat plays a vital role.

Gone are when phone calls and emails were used to connect with a brand. Now customers want a quick response. So, having a free live chat app will increase the conversion chances up to 58.5%.

This article will discuss the live chat requirements that will increase your sales.

Why is live chat better?

Live chat was not typical a few years back, and we relied on calls and emails.

However, they are not ideal for increasing sales. For calls, you will need a few minutes to answer the consumer. And still, you can miscommunicate things unintentionally. Moreover, some people don’t like to talk on phone calls. Even I don’t.

Emails are good, but you cannot handle them quickly. It will take at least a working day to answer back. Also, the consumer will have to leave all other tasks and write an email to your business.

It is human nature that we cannot wait for a longer time. So, if you cannot handle your consumer’s queries quickly, they will walk away. Thus, consumers will think a couple of times before contacting you through call or email.

It is seen that 79% of people use live chat to get immediate answers. And 51% of people will use live chat as it allows them to multitask.

Multitasking is a great feature of live chat. And it is missing in emails and calls.

Answering your consumer quickly can increase your sales. The user only wants to connect with you when he is interested in purchasing your service or product.

Live chat is just like a magic spell. If you have all the right words, you can increase sales instantly. According to Neil Patel, it can be up to 45%.

Now let’s dive in and gather those magic words for you.

Use the live chat box to add value.

We try to connect with our audience through a free live chat app. But we can do more with that.

Live chat helps you connect with your audience directly, which can help you make them purchase your product or service.

Usually, a chat box looks like this.

It sits calmly in the bottom right corner. And usually, it says “contact us” or “drop a message.”

So, instead of just covering the space, use it to persuade the customer. Even before the chat, you can increase the chance of sales. You can do it by adding an excellent copy in the chat box.

The customarily used phrase contact us is a copy, but we can improve it.

The customarily used phrase contact us is an ad copy. Then why don’t you improve it to sell?

According to Neil Patel, a chat box can play two roles at once.

  1. It will be your live chat medium
  2. It will be an ad or popup

Thus it would help if you used it in the best way to improve sales. For example, instead of “contact us,” you can write “looking for a deal?”. It will give your consumers a sense that this chatbox can also help them find perfect deals.

However, you can also keep it simple. You can ask your consumers to introduce themselves or encourage them to ask questions.

You can set a soundtrack for conversion by adding a good copy in the chatbox. And it will also help your consumer to feel welcomed. Thus they will leave with positive vibes about your business.

However, you will need good communication skills to close the deals.

Train your live chat support team

Your support team is the backbone of your live chat. So, if they lack communication skills, you will not increase sales.

Most companies are not giving importance to live chat. Even though they know the importance of skilled live chat representatives, they underestimate it.

Your consumers will remember contacting your representative rather than the chat software. In summary, skilled live chat representatives will help you increase conversions by a factor of ten.

Your consumers will remember the interaction with your representative rather than the look of chat software. Thus, having an excellent live chat representative will help you increase conversion by a factor of ten.

Because live chat is so new, it necessitates a specific skill set. Internal salespeople outperform customer service professionals when it comes to living chat.

Note: You should hire a live chat representative who can communicate in the native tongue of your consumers.

How to close deals on live chat?

How you approach your client and negotiate a business deal on live chat. The key to this is to pinpoint and understand the demand of the client or customer and provide an effective response to what they are searching for.

However, it is not as straightforward as it sounds. It requires a good skill set and psychological mindset to persuade the buyers of what you are offering. You need to express appealing and prioritize the interests and demands effectively.

There are many ways that you can use to sound impressive and persuasive. For instance, research is very significant in this regard. You need to find the perfect product that suits all the demands and requirements your buyer or consumer asks for.

Secondly, you need to be polite as it is more likely to keep them engaged in the chat or conversation and might enhance their interest in what you are offering.

Another key to closing a business deal via live chat is to be open to criticism and objections and provide an adequate and appropriate answer to their concerns. This will compel the customer to understand better what you are offering to them.

It would help if you also welcomed the buyer’s opinions, refrained from unnecessary assumptions, and focused on your speech. This will allow you to capture their interests and appeal to them on a whole level.

One of the most critical factors in closing business deals on live chat is the identification of the decision-maker. You need to determine and detect the specific interests and requirements that the customer is searching for in your products. This usually becomes the decision-maker, and once identified, this usually leads to the deal’s closure in the best way possible.

Professionalism plays the most significant role in closing deals through live chat. There needs to be professionalism in your conversation, behavior, and tone. Otherwise, the client might lose interest in your offer.

Another thing that most sellers aren’t aware of is keeping your pitch or offer as short as possible as the buyers or clients might get irritated or think of reading it as a waste of their time. Therefore, it is much better to keep your pitch or description of your offer as minimal as possible.

One needs to look into what he is offering because if it doesn’t match the buyer’s requirements, it might lead to a wrong impression of yourself in front of the client, and the deal might be over then and there! Therefore one should see their offer many times before conveying it to the buyer or consumer.

Sellers also need to be proactive and ask for feedback regularly as it maintains your buyers’ interests in your business. After closing deals, follow-ups create an admirable impression that makes you distinct from other sellers and enterprises.

Create a seamless chat protocol

The design and outlook of the live chat need to be eye-catching and impressive to capture the attention of its viewers. However, achieving this isn’t child’s play. Immense effort and hard work go into it.

A proper protocol needs to be established to develop the live chat feature.

There should be an appropriate and decent salutation that should display onto the live chat in the form of a popup. It can be “Welcome!” or “Greetings!” or something that appears attractive and captivating to draw the viewer’s attention.

The key is to program the website into displaying the live chat service button in a popup in specific scenarios. For instance, it can be triggered to appear after a fixed amount of time.

Usually, websites use auto-generated templates for the live chat feature of their websites. Still, it is avoidable to refrain from it as direct responses from the concerned individual are more appreciated by clients and buyers nowadays.

Buyers like to get attention, and it enhances their interests, creates a strong impression, and highlights that you provide value to your buyers.

These are some of the reasons that make the job of a live chat salesman tricky, as a tiny mistake can cost you the lack of interest of your client.

Another factor that can prove harmful for you is unknowingly irritating the client. Asking for feedback is good in itself, but asking for it again and again in short intervals of time can trigger irritation very quickly.

Therefore a live chat salesman needs to find a perfect balance to satisfy the client and their demands.

Another key to getting your buyer’s attention is to pre-research the answers to some questions you think might be asked of you. This will help intensify your responses and target the client’s immediate needs.

Following simple mannerisms and etiquette can also go a long way. Most of the time, just empathy can do the trick too! It would be best if you sounded welcoming and polite for your client to open up to you regarding their needs.

It is often astonishing how quickly you can win your client’s trust just by being polite. This can help you to get their contact information or email. Once you get to that confidence level, you are more likely to complete the task. However, it would help if you also abstained from being too assertive.

Due to this reason, people prefer talking to a living human being to communicate their needs instead of an auto-generated template message that can easily be detected.

Tips to use while using live chat

Direct your users

Nowadays, consumers’ primary interaction medium is live chat, with over 92 percent of users expressing happiness with it. Because of the high rating, many more individuals are inclined to trust it over other, more traditional methods of communication.

Pay attention to which pages on a site generate the most questions or live chat chats, and then use that information to improve your on-page live chat. Chat is an excellent approach to lessen customer issues, but it’s an even better way to prevent consumers from having any worries in the first place.

For example, if you get a lot of questions regarding the difference between “per seat” and “per agent” on your price page, it might be time to think about how to communicate that to your target audience better.


Target visitors on the right pages

Having an online live chat on every page isn’t viable for most businesses.

Instead, most businesses should offer live chat on the few pages that make sense. The sites where you should incorporate live chat should be where you get a lot of queries or where you think consumers are the most confused or anxious.

As previously discussed, your sales or price pages are an excellent illustration of this. Other unique pages to incorporate chat on are:

  • A page for account management and preferences
  • Control panel for users
  • This is the first time you’ve seen your product or dashboard.
  • This is the first time I’ve seen your paperwork.
  • Aside from targeting individual sites, another effective strategy is to target users by segment.

Some businesses, for example, may want to target exclusively corporate clients and do so on every page.


A strategy of targeting any firm with 100 or more employees may make sense for other businesses. Whatever method you use, smart targeting and displaying chat just when it’s most suitable (rather than all of the time) can help you earn customer loyalty and conversions.

Proactively offer support

When you detect that a consumer is puzzled on the website, nothing demonstrates that you care more. No matter how good your team is, your clients will be significantly more pleased if they don’t have to contact you again for the same problem.

You may enable your support personnel to initiate a chat by assessing which pages the user has engaged with and how long they’ve been on each page. Once the user has spent 30 seconds on a page, scrolled a specific depth, or engaged with a module on the website, you may inquire if they have any questions (like a calculator).

Blue Soda Promo used online live chat to promote its products and converted approximately 60% of conversation leads into purchases. This strategy may be used on your checkout pages, which is a fantastic place to start.

It’s an often perplexing touchpoint for visitors, and 77% of consumers stated they wouldn’t feel obliged to purchase on that page if live chat help wasn’t available.

Use pre-chat surveys

People despise having to repeat themselves.

In fact, according to a UBM poll conducted in the United Kingdom, 75% of customers believe that utilizing a support tool is the worst aspect of their experience. Offering a pre-chat survey and gathering some background information on your clients as they wait to be connected with an agent can help you save time both now and in the future.

As seen in the example above, you may provide your customer support representative with essential information regarding the issue a client has by gathering information from a customer (and ensuring that your staff reads it).

You may save this information in your live chat system so that anybody else who starts a conversation with this consumer can view the history of their inquiry.


Which is the best live chat app?


Suppose you search on google for the best live chat apps. You will find a great list of them. However, we have a better offer for you. Try our business development software and get free live chat, landing pages, and lead generation features. We provide the best free live chat services to all of our clients.

We also have other software that will help you to boost your sales. Just contact us to know about them.


Just focus on minor details of your live chat, and you will see the difference. But ignoring will help you to lose your potential clients.


How can I add live chat to my website?

Just install the MIYN’s plugin or login the dashboard. Now choose live chat from the widgets and enjoy your live chat.

Can I customize my chatbox?

Yes you can customize your chatbox. You can do it by yourself if you are familiar with basic front-end tools.

Do you have a free trial?

Yes, we are offering a free 1 month trial. In this trial you can use all the premium features.

Article Source : How To Boost Sales Using Miyn Live Chat For Businesses?