Hunter’s Widow Weekend Designer Purse Bingo

VFW – Wabasha, Minn. 138 Second Street East, Wabasha

Join us that “V” in Wabasha, Minnesota for designer purse bingo on Hunger’s Widow Weekend! 11/5/2022, doors open at 1 pm, the first number is called at 3 pm **$50.00 if you pre-register at PLUS pre-registering enters you into a drawing to win a limited-edition purse from Lux de Ville (valued at $98) **$55.00 […]

$50 – $55

Grumpy Old Men Festival Ice Camping

Izaak Walton Park 5th Grant Boulevard West, Wabasha

Brave the cold and join us for Ice Camping at Ike’s Park during the 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival! This is a free event and is first come, first serve for spots. Ice and parking lot spaces available at Ike’s Park which is within walking distance to all of the events throughout the weekend! […]


Plaid Out Your Ride Grumpy Old Men Festial Lighted ATV/UTV Parade by Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Company

Slippery’s Bar & Grill 10 Church Avenue, Wabasha

Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Company is giving us all a great way to start out the 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival right with a **PLAID OUT YOUR RIDE LIGHTED ATV/UTV PARADE** on Friday, February 24, 2023! Deck your ride out in buffalo plaid, red and white lights, black lights, all things ice fishing, […]


30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival Kick Off Party

Silver Star Saloon & Grill 170 Pembroke Avenue, Wabasha

Kick off the 2023 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival with >>LIVE MUSIC<< by Logan Hofschulte at the Silver Star Saloon!

30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival Ice Fishing Contest by Holst Farms

Parkside Marina 829 3rd Street West, Wabasha

Channel your inner grumpy old man during the 2023 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Ice Fishing Tournament on February, 25th! Registration: 9:00am – 10:00am • Tournament: 10:00am – 2:00pm Awards and fishing tournament 50/50 Raffle Drawing: 2:30pm Cost: $10 Adults; 12 & under $5 —–>Rules: Largest weight per species, in case of a tie there […]

Grumpy Old Men Festival Ice Bar by Slippery’s Bar & Grill

Slippery’s Bar &amp; Grill 10 Church Avenue, Wabasha

The 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival is bringing Slippery’s back…on ICE!! Spend the evening of the 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival in the Slippery’s parking lot with free live music from The Chubs, buy drinks from our local celebrity bartender working the ice bar sculped by Minnesota Ice, stay dry under the festival […]

Grumpy Old Men Festival Flannel & Frost Party with the Riverboat Days Queens

Heritage Park 257 Main Street West, Wabasha

Join the Wabasha Riverboat Days Queens for a Flannel & Frost party at Heritage Park during the 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival! Enjoy free carriage rides from the premier horse and carriage services of Cinderella Carriages from Cashton, Wisconsin. While you wait for your rides, create a custom s’more from our gourmet s’mores bar […]


Grumpy Old Men Festival Concessions by Minnesota Ag Group, Inc.

Slippery’s Bar &amp; Grill 10 Church Avenue, Wabasha

Stop by the Slippery’s Parking Lot to grab a meal from the Grumpy Old Men Festival’s Concessions Sponsored by Minnesota Ag Group, Inc.! Offering selections from none other than Huettl’s Meat in Lake City #YUM Huettl’s Meats has been family owned since 1918 and is widely known for its high quality delicious meats! Concessions will […]

30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival **LIVE OUTDOOR MUSIC** with The Chubs by Junge’s Flooring

Slippery’s Bar &amp; Grill 10 Church Avenue, Wabasha

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER (yup, the first time EVER), thanks to Junge’s Flooring, Rochester’s First Family of Flooring, Grumpy Old Men Festival will have LIVE, OUTDOOR MUSIC at Slippery’s!! You will not want to miss this monumentally fun and exciting FREE event with none other than the CHUBS! (Listen here>>>…/1G7DE671aJpK…/view…) There will be […]


Grumpy Old Men Festival Luminary Walking Trail by the Wabasha Kellogg Boy Scouts

Parkside Marina 829 3rd Street West, Wabasha

The Wabasha-Kellogg Boy Scout Pack 62 invite you to celebrate the magic of winter in Wabasha during the 30th Annual Grumpy Old Men Festival by taking an evening stroll along the walking path between Slippery’s (where there will be live music, concessions and the ice bar) and Parkside Marina (where there will be ice camping […]


The Katfish Kittens Present: The Wabasha Riverboat Days Car Show

Historic Wabasha, Minnesota West 2nd Street, Wabasha

The Katfish Kittens are back in Wabasha to host their 2nd Annual Wabasha Riverboat Days Car Show! MORE MUSIC, MORE CARS, AND MORE PURRRRRFECTLY GOOD TIMES! **$10.00 entry fee for all vehicles – all makes and models welcome! **Trophies awarded via trophy sponsor pick!


The Katfish Kittens Present: The Wabasha Riverboat Days Car Show

Historic Wabasha, Minnesota West 2nd Street, Wabasha

The Katfish Kittens are back in Wabasha to host their 2nd Annual Wabasha Riverboat Days Car Show! MORE MUSIC, MORE CARS, AND MORE PURRRRRFECTLY GOOD TIMES! **$10.00 entry fee for all vehicles – all makes and models welcome! **Trophies awarded via trophy sponsor pick!
